Data Base Management System ( IT-405 )
( IT- 4th Sem )
Course Outcomes
After Completion of this Course students can:
- Understand basic concepts of DBMS.
- Understand concepts of Relational Model.
- Understand SQL.
- Understand Relational Database design.
- An overview of transaction,Concurrency control and Security Introduction.
Course Content
Main Contents of this course which students needs to learn are:
- Introduction to DBMS, File system vs DBMS, Advantages of database systems, Database System architecture, Data models, Schemas and instances, Data independence, Functions of DBA and designer, Entities and attributes, Entity types, Key attributes, Relationships, Defining the E-R diagram of database.
- Structure of relational databases, Domains, Relations, Relational algebra – fundamental operators and syntax, relational algebra queries, Entity-Relationship model :Basic concepts, Design process, constraints, Keys, Design issues, E-R diagrams, weak entity sets, extended E-R features –generalization, specialization and aggregation.
- Data definition in SQL, update statements and views in SQL: Data storage and definitions, Data retrieval queries and update statements, Query Processing & Query Optimization: Overview, measures of query cost, selection operation, sorting, join, evaluation of expressions, transformation of relational expressions, estimating statistics of expression results, evaluation plans. Case Study of ORACLE and DB2.
- Functional Dependency –definition, trivial and non-trivial FD, closure of FD set, closure of attributes, irreducible set of FD, Normalization –1NF, 2NF, 3NF, Decomposition using FD-dependency preservation, lossless join, BCNF, Multi-valued dependency, 4NF, Join dependency and 5NF.
- Introduction of transaction, transaction processing and recovery, Concurrency control: Lock management, specialized locking techniques, concurrency control without locking, Protection and Security Introduction to: Distributed databases, Basic concepts of object oriented data base system.
Book References
Some books which will help you to learn this course:
- Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan, “Database Concepts”, McGrawHill.
- Elmasri, Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Pearson.
- Ivan Bayross, “SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle”, BPB publications.
- S. Sharma, J. Agrawal, S. Agrawal, “Advanced Database Management System”, Dreamtech Press.
- Leon & Leon, “Fundamental of Data Base Management System”,TMH.
Cousre Notes
For "Course Notes" you can refer our Notes Section for 2nd Year( Click Here )