Discrete-Time Signals and Systems:
Discrete-time signals, discrete-time systems, analysis of discrete-time linear time-invariant
systems,discrete time systems described by difference equation, solution of difference equation,
implementation of discrete-time systems, stability and causality, frequency domain
representation of discrete time signals and systems.
The z-Transform:
The direct z-transform, properties of the z-transform, rational z-transforms, inversion of the z
transform,analysis of linear time-invariant systems in the z- domain, block diagrams and signal
flow graph representation of digital network, matrix representation.
Frequency Analysis of Discrete Time Signals:
Discrete fourier series (DFS), properties of the DFS, discrete Fourier transform (DFT), properties
of DFT, two dimensional DFT, circular convolution.
Efficient Computation of the DFT:
FFT algorithms, decimation in time algorithm, decimation in frequency algorithm,
decomposition for ‘N’composite number
Digital filters Design Techniques:
Design of IIR and FIR digital filters, Impulse invariant and bilinear transformation, windowing
techniques rectangular and other windows, examples of FIR filters, design using windowing
Potential function and the Electromagnetic field, potential functions for Sinusoidal Oscillations,
retarded potential, the Alternating current element (or oscillating Electric Dipole), Power
radiated by a current element, Application to short antennas, Assumed current distribution,
Radiation from a Quarter wave monopole or Half wave dipole, sine and cosine integral,
Electromagnetic field close to an antenna,Solution of the potential equations, Far-field
Antenna Fundamentals:
Introduction, network theorems, directional properties of dipole antennas, travelling –wave
antennas and effect of feed on standing-wave antennas, two –element array, horizontal patterns
in broad-cast arrays, linear arrays, multiplication of patterns ,effect of earth on vertical patterns,
Binomial array, antenna gain, effective area.
Types of antennas:
log periodic antenna, loop antenna, helical antenna, biconical antenna, folded dipole antenna,
Yagi-Uda antenna, lens antenna, turnstile antenna. Long wire antenna: resonant and travelling
wave antennas for different wave lengths, V-antenna, rhombic antenna, beverage antenna.
Aperture and slot: Radiation from rectangular apertures, Uniform and Tapered aperture, Horn
antenna , Reflector antenna , Aperture blockage , Feeding structures , Slot antennas ,Microstrip
antennas – Radiation mechanism – Application ,Numerical tool for antenna analysis
Propagation of radio waves:
Fundamentals of electromagnetic waves, effects of the environment, modes of propagation.
Ground wave propagation- Introduction, plane earth reflection, space wave and surface wave,
transition between surface and space wave, tilt of wave front due to ground losses.
Space wave propagation- Introduction, field strength relation, effects of imperfect earth,
curvature of earth and interference zone, shadowing effect of hills and buildings, absorption by
atmospheric phenomena, variation of field strength with height, super refraction, scattering,
tropospheric propagation, fading, path loss calculations. Sky wave propagation- Introduction,
structural details of the ionosphere, wave propagation mechanism, refraction and reflection of
sky waves by ionosphere, ray path, critical frequency, MUF, LUF, OF, virtual height, skip
distance, relation between MUF and skip distance.
Data Communication: Introduction, Components, data representation Serial & Parallel
transmission , Modes of data transmission, Line Encoding: Unipolar, Polar, Bipolar,
Networks – Protocols and standards – Standards organizations – Line configurations – Topology
– Transmission mode – Categories of networks – Inter networks.
OSI model: Functions of the layers.
Transmission media: Guided media – Unguided media – Transmission impairment –
Circuit switching , packet switching (virtual circuit and datagram approach), message switching.
Error detection and correction: Types of errors – Detection – Vertical Redundancy Check (VRC)
– Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC) – Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) – Check sum –
Error Correction. Data Link Layer Protocols: Framing , HDLC, ARQ: Stop and Wait, Sliding
Window efficiency.
LAN: Project 802 – Ethernet – Token bus – Token ring – FDDI.
MAN: IEEE 802.6 (DQDB) – SMDS.
Networking and internetworking devices: Repeaters – Bridges – Gateways – Other devices –
Routing algorithms – Distance vector routing – Link state routing.
TCP / IP protocol suite: Overview of TCP/IP.
8051 Interfacing, Applications and serial communication
8051 interfacing to ADC and DAC, Stepper motor interfacing, Timer/ counter functions, 8051
based data acquisition system 8051 connections to RS-232, 8051 Serial communication , Serial
communication modes, Serial communication programming, Serial port programming in C.
Microcontroller 8096 Introduction to 16-bit Microcontroller, functional block-diagram, memory
status, complete 8096 instruction set, classification of instruction set, addressing modes,
programming examples using 8096, hardware features of 8096,parallel ports, control &status
Registers, Introduction to 16/32 bit PIC microcontrollers and DSPIC.
Introduction to Embedded Systems:
Definition of embedded system, embedded systems vs. general computing systems, history of
embedded systems, classification, major application areas, purpose of embedded systems,
characteristics and quality attributes of embedded systems, common design metrics, and
processor technology: general purpose processor, application specific processor, single purpose
Embedded System Architecture:
Von Neumann v/s Harvard architecture, instruction set architecture, CISC and RISC
instructions set architecture, basic embedded processor, microcontroller architecture, CISC &
RISC examples: 8051, ARM, DSP processors
Input Output and Peripheral Devices:
Timers and counters, watchdog timers, interrupt controllers, PWM, keyboard controller, analog
to digital converters, real time clock.
Salient features of advanced microprocessors. RISC & CISC processors. Review and
evolution of advanced microprocessors:8086,8088, 80186/286/386/486/Pentium,
introduction to 8086 processor: Register organization of 8086,Architecture,signal description
of 8086,minimum mode 8086 systems and timings and maximum mode 8086 systems and
Intel 8086 microprocessor programming: 8086 Instruction Set, Addressing modes,
Assembly Language Programming with Intel 8086 microprocessor.
Introduction to the various interfacings chips like 8155, 8255, Interfacings key
boards, LEDs , ADC, DAC and memory Interfacing.
General purposes programmable peripheral devices ( 8253), 8254 programmable
interval timer, 8259A programmable interrupt controller & 8257 DMA controller, USART,
serial I/O & data Communication.
Introduction to microcontrollers (8051) and embedded systems: 8051 architecture,
pin description , I/O configuration , interrupts, addressing modes, an overview of 8051
instruction set, embedded system, use of microcontrollers in embedded systems.
Sampling theorem for low pass and band pass signals, Ideal sampling, Natural sampling, Flat
top sampling, crosstalk, aliasing, time division multiplexing, PAM, PWM and PPM their
generation and detection.
Pulse code modulation, Quantization, quantization noise, companding, Inter symbol
interference, Eye pattern, Delta and adaptive modulation, Encoding techniques: On-Off
signaling, Polar signaling, RZ signaling, Bipolar signaling, AMI, Manchester code,
Differential encoding their advantage and disadvantages.
Band pass data transmission: ASK, Binary phase shift keying (BPSK), QPSK, DPSK,
coherent and non coherent BFSK, minimum shift keying, QAM, Concept of M-ary PSK and
M-ary FSK. Spectral properties of QPSK and MSK.
Matched filter and correlator detector. Gram Schmidt orthogonalization procedure and
concept of signal space for the computation of probability of error, calculation of error
probability for BPSK, QPSK, QAM and coherent BFSK, comparison of different modulation
Concept of information theory, entropy, information rate, channel capacity, Shannon’s
theorem, Shannon Hartley theorem , BW and signal to noise ratio trade off, sources
encoding, extension of zero memory source, Error correcting codes: linear block codes and
cyclic codes: encoder and decoder circuits, burst error correcting codes, concept of
convolution codes.
Overview of Optical Fiber Communications (OFC):
Motivation, optical spectral bands, key elements of
optical fiber systems.
Optical fibers : basic optical laws and definitions, optical fiber
modes and configurations, mode theory for
circular waveguides, single mode fibers, graded-index fiber structure, fiber materials,
photonic crystal
fibers, fiber fabrication, fiber optic cables
Optical sources: Light emitting diodes (LED):
structures, materials, quantum efficiency, LED power,
modulation of an LED. Laser diodes: modes, threshold conditions, laser diode rate
equations, external
quantum efficiency, resonant frequencies, structure and radiation patterns, single mode
modulation of laser diodes.
Power launching and coupling: source to fiber power launching, fiber
to fiber joints, LED coupling to
single mode fibers, fiber splicing, optical fiber connectors.
Signal degradation in optical fibers: Attenuation: units, absorption,
scattering losses, bending losses,
core and cladding losses. Signal distortion in fibers: overview of distortion origins,
modal delay, factors
contributing to delay, group delay, material dispersion, waveguide dispersion,
dispersion. Characteristics of single mode fibers: refractive index profiles, cutoff
wavelength, dispersion
calculations, mode field diameter, bending loss calculation. Specialty fibers.
Optical receivers: fundamental receiver
operation, digital receiver performance, eye diagrams, coherent
detection: homodyne and heterodyne, burst mode receiver, analog receivers.
Digital links: point to point links, link power budget, rise time
budget, power penalties.
Analog links: overview of analog links, carrier to noise ratio, multi
channel transmission techniques
Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) concepts:
operational principles of WDM, passive optical
star coupler, isolators, circulators, active optical components: MEMS technology,
variable optical
attenuators, tunable optical filters, dynamic gain equalizers, polarization controller,
chromatic dispersion
Optical amplifiers: basic applications and types of optical
amplifiers, Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers
(EDFA): amplification mechanism, architecture, power conversion efficiency and gain.
Amplifier noise,
optical SNR, system applications.
Performance Measurement and monitoring: measurement standards, basic
test equipment, optical
power measurements, optical fiber characterization, eye diagram tests, optical
time-domain reflectometer,
optical performance monitoring.
Introduction, Switching Techniques: Circuit Switching, Message
Switching, Packet Switching, Protocols, Layered
Network Architecture and Architecture of OSI & TCP/IP Reference model, ATM Model, ISDN
and BISDN,
Physical Layer Transmission Medium, Modem, Topologies.
Data Link Layer: Framing , HDLC, ARQ: Stop and Wait, Sliding
Window. Efficiency, Error detection and
Correction. CRC, Checksum, MAC Sub layer – LAN Protocols, ALOHA, Slotted, ALOHA, CSMA,
Token Bus, Ring.
Network Layer: Routing – Data gram and Virtual Ckt, Dijkstra’s,
Bellman Ford, DV and Link state routing.
Congestion Control and ATM Traffic Management – AAL, X.25, Internet Layer : IP
Protocols, ICMP,ARP and
Transport Layer: Connection Oriented transport Protocol Mechanism,
TCP, TSAP, Transport Flow Regulation,
UDP Fragmentation & Reassembly, Session and Transport Interaction, Synchronization
Points, Session Protocols
Data Unit.
Applications and requirements of wireless services:
history, types of services, requirements for the
services, economic and social aspects.
Technical challenges in wireless communications: multipath
propagation, spectrum limitations, limited
energy, user mobility, noise and interference-limited systems.
Propagation mechanism: free space loss, reflection and transmission,
diffraction, scattering by rough
surfaces, wave guiding.
Statistical description of the wireless channel:
time invariant and variant two path models, small-scale
fading with and without a dominant component, Doppler spectra, temporal dependence of
fading, large
scale fading.
Wideband and directional channel characteristics: causes of delay
dispersion, system theoretic
description of wireless channels, WSSUS model, condensed parameters, ultra wideband
directional description.
Channel models: Narrowband, wideband and
directional models, deterministic channel-modeling
Channel sounding: Introduction, time domain measurements, frequency
domain analysis, modified
measurement methods, directionally resolved measurements.
Antennas: Introduction, antennas for mobile stations, antennas for
base stations
Transceivers and signal processing: Structure of
a wireless communication link: transceiver block
structure, simplified models. Modulation formats, demodulator structure, error
probability in AWGN
channels, error probability in flat-fading channels, error probability in delay and
fading channels.
Diversity: Introduction, microdiversity,
macrodiversity and simulcast, combination of signals, error
probability in fading channels with diversity reception, transmit diversity.
Equalizers: Introduction, linear equalizers, decision feedback
equalizers, maximum likelihood sequence
estimation (Viterbi detector), comparison of equalizer structures, fractional spaced
equalizers, blind
Introduction to machine learning, scope and limitations, regression, probability, statistics and
linear algebra for machine learning, convex optimization, data visualization, hypothesis function
and testing, data distributions, data preprocessing, data augmentation, normalizing data sets,
machine learning models, supervised and unsupervised learning.
Linearity vs non linearity, activation functions like sigmoid, ReLU, etc., weights and bias, loss
function, gradient descent, multilayer network, backpropagation, weight initialization, training,
testing, unstable gradient problem, auto encoders, batch normalization, dropout, L1 and L2
regularization, momentum, tuning hyper parameters.
Convolutional neural network, flattening, subsampling, padding, stride, convolution layer,
pooling layer, loss layer, dance layer 1x1 convolution, inception network, input channels,
transfer learning, one shot learning, dimension reductions, implementation of CNN like tensor
flow, keras etc.
Recurrent neural network, Long short-term memory, gated recurrent unit, translation, beam
search and width, Bleu score, attention model, Reinforcement Learning, RL-framework, MDP,
Bellman equations, Value Iteration and Policy Iteration, , Actor-critic model, Q-learning,
Support Vector Machines, Bayesian learning, application of machine learning in computer
vision, speech processing, natural language processing etc, Case Study: ImageNet Competition.
Computer Network: Definitions, goals, components, Architecture, Classifications & Types.
Layered Architecture: Protocol hierarchy, Design Issues, Interfaces and Services, Connection
Oriented & Connectionless Services, Service primitives, Design issues & its functionality. ISOOSI Reference Model:
Principle, Model, Descriptions of various layers and its comparison with
TCP/IP. Principals of physical layer: Media, Bandwidth, Data rate and Modulations.
Data Link Layer: Need, Services Provided, Framing, Flow Control, Error control. Data Link
Layer Protocol: Elementary &Sliding Window protocol: 1-bit, Go-Back-N, Selective Repeat,
Hybrid ARQ. Protocol verification: Finite State Machine Models & Petri net models.
MAC Sub layer: MAC Addressing, Binary Exponential Back-off (BEB) Algorithm, Distributed
Random Access Schemes/Contention Schemes: for Data Services (ALOHA and SlottedALOHA), for Local-Area Networks (CSMA,
CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA), Collision Free Protocols:
Basic Bit Map, BRAP, Binary Count Down, MLMA Limited Contention Protocols: Adaptive
Tree Walk, Performance Measuring Metrics. IEEE Standards 802 series & their variant.
Network Layer: Need, Services Provided , Design issues, Routing algorithms: Least Cost
Routing algorithm, Dijkstra's algorithm, Bellman-ford algorithm, Hierarchical Routing,
Broadcast Routing, Multicast Routing. IP Addresses, Header format, Packet forwarding,
Fragmentation and reassembly, ICMP, Comparative study of IPv4 & IPv6.
Transport Layer: Design Issues, UDP: Header Format, Per-Segment Checksum, Carrying
Unicast/Multicast Real-Time Traffic, TCP: Connection Management, Reliability of Data
Transfers, TCP Flow Control, TCP Congestion Control, TCP Header Format, TCP Timer
Management.Application Layer: WWW and HTTP, FTP, SSH, Email (SMTP, MIME, IMAP),
DNS, Network Management (SNMP).
Flynn’s Classification, System Attributes to Performance, Parallel computer models -
Multiprocessors and multicomputers, Multivector and SIMD Computers. Data and resource
dependences, Hardware and software parallelism, Program partitioning and scheduling, Grain
size and latency, Control flow, data flow and Demand driven mechanisms. Static interconnection
networks, Dynamic interconnection Networks: Bus Systems, Crossbar Switch, Multiport
Memory, Multistage and Combining Networks.
Instruction set architecture, CISC Scalar Processors , RISC Scalar Processors, VLIW
architecture, Memory Hierarchy, Inclusion, Coherence and Locality, Memory capacity planning.
Interleaved memory organization-memory interleaving, pipelined memory access, Bandwidth
and Fault Tolerance. Backplane Bus System :Backplane bus specification, Addressing and
timing protocols, Arbitration transaction and interrupt.
Cache coherence, Snoopy protocols, Directory based protocols. Message routing schemes in
multicomputer network, deadlock and virtual channel. Vector Processing Principles, Vector
instruction types, Vector-access memory schemes. Vector supercomputer architecture, SIMD
organization: distributed memory model and shared memory model. Principles of
Multithreading: Multithreading Issues and Solutions, Multiple-Context Processors.
Parallel Programming Models, Shared-Variable Model, Message-Passing Model, Data-Parallel
Model, Object-Oriented Model, Functional and Logic Models, Parallel Languages and
Compilers, Language Features for Parallelism, Parallel Programming Environment, Software
Tools and Environments.
Introduction to Raster Scan displays, Pixels, Frame buffer, Vector & Character
generation, Random Scan systems, Display devices, Scan Conversion techniques, Line Drawing
algorithms: simple DDA, Bresenham’s Algorithm, Circle Drawing Algorithms: Midpoint Circle
drawing and Bresenham’s Algorithm, Polygon fill algorithm: Boundary-fill and Flood-fill
3-D Transformations: Translation, Rotation and Scaling. Parallel & Perspective
Projection: Types of Parallel & Perspective Projection, Hidden Surface elimination: Depth
comparison, Back face detection algorithm, Painter’s Algorithm, Z-Buffer Algorithm. Curve
generation, Bezier and B-spline methods. Basic Illumination Model: Diffuse reflection, Specular
reflection, Phong Shading, Gouraud shading, Ray Tracing, Color models like RGB, YIQ, CMY,
Visualization: Visualization of 2D/3D scalar fields: color mapping, ISO surfaces. Direct
volume data rendering: ray-casting, transfer functions, segmentation. Visualization of Vector
fields and flow data, Time-varying data, High-dimensional data: dimension reduction, parallel
coordinates, Non-spatial data: multi-variate, tree/graph structured, text Perceptual and cognitive
foundations, Evaluation of visualization methods, Applications of visualization, Basic Animation
Techniques like traditional, key framing.
Multimedia :Basic of multimedia, application of Multimedia, Text-Types, Unicode
Standard ,text Compression, Text file formats, Audio Components, Digital Audio, Digital Audio
processing, Sound cards, Audio file formats ,Audio Processing software ,Video-Video color
spaces, Digital Video, Digital Video processing, Video file formats. Animation: Uses of
Animation, Principles of Animation, Computer based animation, 3D Animation, Animation file
formats, Animation software,Special Effects in animation, Storyboarding for Animation,
Compression: Lossless/Lossy Compression techniques, Image, Audio & Video Compression,
MPEG Standards ,Multimedia Architecture, Multimedia databases.
Introduction to compiling & Lexical Analysis:
Introduction of Compiler, Major data Structure in compiler, types of Compiler, Front-end and Back-end
of compiler, Compiler structure: analysis-synthesis model of compilation, various phases of a compiler,
Lexical analysis: Input buffering , Specification & Recognition of Tokens,Design of a Lexical Analyzer
Generator, LEX.
Syntax Analysis &Syntax Directed Translation:
Syntax analysis: CFGs, Top down parsing, Brute force approach, recursive descent parsing,
transformation on the grammars, predictive parsing, bottom up parsing, operator precedence parsing, LR
parsers (SLR,LALR, LR),Parser generation. Syntax directed definitions: Construction of Syntax trees,
Bottom up evaluation of S-attributed definition, L-attribute definition, Top down translation, Bottom Up
evaluation of inherited attributes Recursive Evaluation, Analysis of Syntax directed definition.
Type Checking & Run Time Environment:
Type checking: type system, specification of simple type checker, equivalence of expression, types, type
conversion, overloading of functions and operations, polymorphic functions. Run time Environment:
storage organization, Storage allocation strategies, parameter passing, dynamic storage allocation ,
Symbol table, Error Detection & Recovery, Ad-Hoc and Systematic Methods.
Code Generation:
Intermediate code generation: Declarations, Assignment statements, Boolean expressions, Case
statements, Back patching, Procedure calls Code Generation: Issues in the design of code generator, Basic
block and flow graphs, Register allocation and assignment, DAG representation of basic blocks, peephole
optimization, generating code from DAG.
Code Optimization:
Introduction to Code optimization: sources of optimization of basic blocks, loops in flow graphs, dead
code elimination, loop optimization, Introduction to global data flow analysis, Code Improving
transformations ,Data flow analysis of structure flow graph Symbolic debugging of optimized code.
Conventional Software Management:
Evolution of software economics. Improving software economics: reducing product size,
software processes, team effectiveness, automation through software environments. Principles of
modern software management.
Software Management Process:
Framework,: Life cycle phases- inception, elaboration, construction and training phase. Artifacts
of the process- the artifact sets, management artifacts, engineering artifacts, pragmatics artifacts.
Model based software architectures. Workflows of the process. Checkpoints of the process.
Software Management Disciplines:
Iterative process planning. Project organisations and responsibilities. Process automation. Project
control And process instrumentation- core metrics, management indicators, life cycle expections.
Process discriminants.
Introduction to distributed systems:
Architecture for Distributed System, Goals of Distributed system, Hardware and Software
concepts, Distributed Computing Model, Advantages & Disadvantage distributed system,
in designing Distributed System,
Distributed Share Memory And Distributed File System:
Basic Concept of Distributed Share Memory (DSM), DSM Architecture & its Types, Design &
Implementations issues In DSM System, Structure of Share Memory Space, Consistency
Model, and Thrashing. Desirable features of good Distributed File System, File Model,
Service Architecture, File Accessing Model, File Sharing Semantics, File Catching
Scheme, File
Application & Fault tolerance. Naming: - Features, System Oriented Names, Object
Mechanism, Human Oriented Name.
Inter Process Communication And Synchronization:
API for Internet Protocol, Data Representation & Marshaling, Group Communication, Client
Server Communication, RPC- Implementing RPC Mechanism, Stub Generation, RPC
Messages. Synchronization: - Clock Synchronization, Mutual Exclusion, Election
Bully & Ring Algorithms.
Distributed Scheduling And Deadlock:
Distributed Scheduling-Issues in Load Distributing, Components for Load Distributing
Algorithms, Different Types of Load Distributing Algorithms, Task Migration and its
Deadlock-Issues in deadlock detection & Resolutions, Deadlock Handling Strategy,
Deadlock Algorithms,
Distributed Multimedia & Database system:
Distributed Data Base Management System(DDBMS), Types of Distributed Database,
Distributed Multimedia:- Characteristics of multimedia Data, Quality of Service
Case Study of Distributed System:- Amoeba, Mach, Chorus
Introduction to compiling & Lexical Analysis:
Introduction of Compiler, Major data Structure in compiler, BOOT Strapping & Porting,
structure: analysis-synthesis model of compilation, various phases of a compiler,
analysis: Input buffering , Specification & Recognition of Tokens, LEX.
Syntax Analysis &Syntax Directed Translation:
Syntax analysis: CFGs, Top down parsing, Brute force approach, recursive descent
transformation on the grammars, predictive parsing, bottom up parsing, operator
parsing, LR parsers (SLR,LALR, LR),Parser generation.Syntax directed definitions:
Construction of Syntax trees, Bottom up evaluation of S-attributed definition,
definition, Top down translation, Bottom Up evaluation of inherited attributes Recursive
Evaluation, Analysis of Syntax directed definition.
Type Checking & Run Time Environment:
Type checking: type system, specification of simple type checker, equivalence of
types, type conversion, overloading of functions and operations, polymorphic functions.
time Environment: storage organization, Storage allocation strategies, parameter
dynamic storage allocation , Symbol table
Code Generation:
Intermediate code generation: Declarations, Assignment statements, Boolean expressions,
Case statements, Back patching, Procedure calls Code Generation: Issues in the design of
code generator, Basic block and flow graphs, Register allocation and assignment, DAG
representation of basic blocks, peephole optimization, generating code from DAG.
Code Optimization:
Introduction to Code optimization: sources of optimization of basic blocks, loops in
flow graphs,
dead code elimination, loop optimization, Introduction to global data flow analysis,
Improving transformations ,Data flow analysis of structure flow graph Symbolic debugging
optimized code.
Web Engineering: Introduction, History,
Evolution and Need, Time line, Motivation, Categories
& Characteristics of Web Applications, Web Engineering Models, Software Engineering v/s
Engineering. World Wide Web: Introduction to TCP/IP and WAP, DNS, Email, TelNet, HTTP
and FTP.
Browser and search engines: Introduction, Search fundamentals, Search
Directories search engines and Meta search engines, Working of the search engines.
Web Servers: Introduction, Features, caching, case study-IIS, Apache.
Information Architecture: Role, Collaboration
and Communication, Organizing Information,
Organizational Challenges, Organizing Web sites parameters and Intranets.
Website Design: Development, Development phases, Design issues,
Conceptual Design,
High-Level Design, Indexing the Right Stuff, Grouping Content. Architectural Page
Design Sketches, Navigation Systems. Searching Systems, Good & bad web design, Process
of Web Publishing. Web-site enhancement, submission of website to search engines.
Web security: issues, security audit. Web effort estimation,
Productivity Measurement, Quality
usability and reliability. Requirements Engineering for Web Applications: Introduction,
Fundamentals, Requirement Source, Type, ,Notations Tools. Principles Requirements
Engineering Activities, Adapting RE Methods to Web Application.
HTML and DHTML: Introduction, Structure of
documents, Elements, Linking, Anchor Attributes,
Image Maps, Meta Information, Image Preliminaries, Layouts, Backgrounds, Colors and
Fonts, Tables, Frames and layers, Audio and Video Support with HTML Database
CSS, Positioning with Style sheets, Forms Control, Form Elements.
Cookies: Creating and Reading
XML: Introduction, HTML Vs XML, Validation of
documents, DTD, Ways to use, XML for data
files, Embedding XML into HTML documents, Converting XML to HTML for Display, Displaying
XML using CSS and XSL, Rewriting HTML as XML, Relationship between HTML, SGML and
XML, web personalization , Semantic web, Semantic Web Services, Ontology.
E- Commerce: Business Models, Infrastructure,
Creating an E-commerce Web Site,
Environment and Opportunities. Modes & Approaches, Marketing & Advertising Concepts.
Electronic Publishing issues, approaches, legalities and technologies,
Secure Web document, Digital Signatures and Firewalls, Cyber crime and laws, IT Act.
Electronic Cash, Electronic Payment Systems: RTGS, NEFT, Internet Banking, Credit/Debit
Card. Security: Digital Certificates & Signatures, SSL, SET, 3D Secure Protocol.
Digital Image fundamentals, A simple image model, Sampling and
Quantization. Relationship
between pixels. Imaging geometry. Image acquisition systems, Different types of digital
Image transformations, Introduction to Fourier transforms,
Discrete Fourier transforms, Fast
Fourier transform, Walsh transformation, Hadmord transformation, Discrete Cosine
Image enhancement, Filters in spatial and frequency domains,
Histogram based processing.
Image subtraction, Averaging, Image smoothing, Nedion filtering, Low pass filtering,
sharpening by High pass filtering.
Image encoding and segmentation, Encoding: Mapping, Quantizer,
Coder. Error free
compression, Lossy Compression schemes. JPEG Compression standard. Detection of
discontinuation by point detection, Line detection, edge detection, Edge linking and
detection, Local analysis, Global processing via Hough transforms and graph theoretic
Mathematical morphology- Binary, Dilation, crosses, Opening and
closing, Simple methods of
representation, Signatures, Boundary segments, Skeleton of a region, Polynomial
Understanding Data: Data Wrangling and Exploratory Analysis, Data
Transformation &
Cleaning, Feature Extraction, Data Visualization. Introduction to contemporary tools and
programming languages for data analysis like R and Python.
Statistical & Probabilistic analysis of Data: Multiple hypothesis
testing, Parameter
Estimation methods, Confidence intervals, Bayesian statistics and Data Distributions.
. Introduction to machine learning: Supervised & unsupervised
learning, classification &
clustering Algorithms, Dimensionality reduction: PCA & SVD, Correlation & Regression
analysis, Training & testing data: Overfitting & Under fitting.
Introduction to Information Retrieval:Boolean Model, Vector model,
Probabilistic Model,
Text based search: Tokenization,TF-IDF, stop words and n-grams, synonyms and parts
of speech tagging.
Introduction to Web Search& Big data: Crawling and Indexes, Search
architectures, Link Analysis and ranking algorithms such as HITS and PageRank,
Hadoop File system & MapReduce Paradigm.
Introduction to Raster scan displays, Storage tube displays, refreshing, flickering, interlacing,
colour monitors, display processors resolution, working principle of dot matrix, inkjet laser
printers, working principles of keyboard, mouse scanner, digitizing camera, track ball, tablets
and joysticks, graphical input techniques, positioning techniques, rubber band techniques,
dragging etc.
Scan conversion techniques, image representation, line drawing, simple DDA, Bresenham’s
Algorithm, Circle drawing, general method, symmetric DDA, Bresenham’s Algorithm, curves,
parametric function, Beizier Method, B-spline Method.
2D & 3D Co-ordinate system, Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection Inverse
transformation, Composite transformation, world coordinate system, screen coordinate
system, parallel and perspective projection, Representation of 3D object on 2D screen, Point
Clipping, Line Clipping Algorithms, Polygon Clipping algorithms, Introduction to Hidden
Surface elimination, Basic illumination model, diffuse reflection, specular reflection, phong
shading, Gourand shading ray tracing, color models like RGB, YIQ, CMY, HSV.
Introduction to multimedia components applications, Multimedia System Architecture,
Evolving technologies for Multimedia, Defining objects for Multimedia systems, Multimedia
Data interface standards, Multimedia Databases, Multimedia Hardware, SCSI, IDE, MCI,
Multimedia Tools, presentation tools, Authoring tools.
Compression & Decompression, Multimedia Data & File Format standards, TIFF, MIDI,
JPEG, DIB, MPEG, RTF, Multimedia I/O technologies, Digital voice and audio, Video image
and animation, Full motion video, Storage and retrieval technologies.
Antenna , radiation pattern, antenna types, antenna gain, propagation modes, types of fading.
Model for wireless digital communication, multiple access technique-SDMA, TDMA, FDMA,
CDMA, DAMA, PRMA, MAC/CA, Cellular network organization, operations of cellular system,
mobile radio propagation effects, handoff, power control, sectorization, traffic engineering,
Infinite sources, lost calls cleared, grade of service, poison arrival process
GSM- Services, system architecture, radio interface, logical channels, protocols, localization and
calling, handover, security, HSCSD, GPRS-architecture, Interfaces, Channels, mobility
management DECT, TETRA, UMTS.
IEEE 802.11: LAN-architecture, 802.11 a, b and g, protocol architecture, physical layer, MAC
layer , MAC management, HIPERLAN-protocol architecture, physical layer, access control sub
layer, MAC sub layer. Bluetooth-user scenarios- physical layer, MAC layer.
Mobile IP, DHCP, Ad hoc networks: Characteristics, performance issue, routing in mobile host.
Wireless sensor network, Mobile transport layer: Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Time
out freezing, Selective retransmission, transaction oriented TCP. Introduction to WAP.
Intruders, Intrusion detection, password management, viruses and related threads, worms, trojan
horse defense, difference biometrics and authentication system, firewall design principle.
Introduction to Compiler, analysis of source program, phases and passes, Bootstrapping, lexical
analyzers, data structures in compilation – LEX: lexical analyzer generator, Input buffering,
Specification and Recognition of tokens, YACC, The syntactic specification of programming
languages: Context free grammars, derivation and parse trees, capabilities of CFG.
Syntax Analysis: working of Parser, Top down parsing, Bottom-up parsing, Operator precedence
parsing, predictive parsers, LR parsers (SLR, Canonical LR, LALR), constructing SLR parsing
tables, constructing Canonical LR parsing tables, Constructing LALR parsing tables, using
ambiguous grammars, an automatic parser generator.
Syntax Directed Translation: Definitions, Inherited Attributes, L-attributed definitions, Sattributed definitions,
Dependency graph, Construction of syntax trees, Top down translation,
postfix notation, bottom up evaluation.
Intermediate Code Generation: Three address code, quadruple & triples, translation of assignment
statements, Boolean expression and control structures, Backpatching, Run Time Memory
Management: Static and Dynamic storage allocation, stack based memory allocation schemes,
Symbol Table management.
Code Optimization and Generation: organization of code optimizer, basic blocks and flow graphs,
DAG representation of basic blocks, loops in flow graph, peephole optimization, Basic of block
Introduction, Software- problem and prospects Software development process: System
Development Life Cycle, Waterfall Model, Spiral Model and other models, Unified process Agile
development-Agile Process- Extreme Programming- Other agile Process models.
Measures, Metrics and Indicators, Metrics in the Process and Project Domains, Software
Measurement, Metrics of Software Quality, S/W reliability, Software estimation techniques, LOC
and FP estimation. Empirical models like COCOMO, project tracking and scheduling, reverse
Software requirements and specification: feasibility study, Informal/formal specifications, pre/post
conditions, algebraic specification and requirement analysis models, Specification design tools.
Software design and implementation: Software design objectives and techniques, User interface
design, Modularity, Functional decomposition, DFD, Data Dictionary, Object oriented design,
Design patterns implementation strategies like top- down, bottom-up.
Coding standard and guidelines, programming style, code sharing, code review, rapid prototyping,
specialization, construction, class extensions, intelligent software agents, reuse performance
improvement, debugging. Software Testing Strategies: Verification and Validation, Strategic
Issues, test plan, white box, black-box testing, unit and integration testing, system testing test case
design and acceptance testing, maintenance activities.
Software Maintenance: Software Supportability, Reengineering, Business Process Reengineering,
Reverse Engineering, Restructuring, Forward Engineering, Economics of Reengineering, project
scheduling and tracking plan, project management plan, SQA and quality planning, SCM activities
and plan, CMM, Software project management standards, Introduction to component based
software engineering.
Introduction: Historical development ,Vision of
Cloud Computing, Characteristics of cloud computing as
per NIST , Cloud computing reference model ,Cloud computing environments, Cloud services
Cloud and dynamic infrastructure, Cloud Adoption and rudiments .Overview of cloud
applications: ECG
Analysis in the cloud, Protein structure prediction, Gene Expression Data Analysis
,Satellite Image
Processing ,CRM and ERP ,Social networking .
Cloud Computing Architecture: Cloud Reference
Model, Types of Clouds, Cloud Interoperability &
Standards, Scalability and Fault Tolerance.
Cloud Solutions: Cloud Ecosystem, Cloud Business Process Management,
Cloud Service Management.
Cloud Offerings: Cloud Analytics, Testing Under Control, Virtual
Desktop Infrastructure.
Cloud Management & Virtualization Technology:
Resiliency, Provisioning, Asset management, Concepts
of Map reduce , Cloud Governance, High Availability and Disaster Recovery.
Virtualization: Fundamental
concepts of compute ,storage, networking, desktop and application virtualization
.Virtualization benefits,
server virtualization, Block and file level storage virtualization Hypervisor management
Infrastructure Requirements , Virtual LAN(VLAN) and Virtual SAN(VSAN) and their benefits
IMarket Based Management of Clouds , Federated Clouds/Inter Cloud:
Characterization & Definition ,Cloud
Federation Stack , Third Party Cloud Services .
Case study : Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure , Hadoop , Amazon , Aneka
Overview of Object Oriented concepts: Objects and classes,
abstraction, generalization and
inheritance, encapsulation, multiple inheritance, aggregation abstraction classes,
polymorphism, link
and association, Need for object oriented approach.
System design life cycle, object oriented S/W development process
model, Object Oriented
Analysis, Object Modeling Technique (OMT): object model, function model, relationship
models, object diagrams, state diagrams, data flow diagrams, analysis.
Object oriented Design: Overview of object design, Combination the
models, Designing
algorithms, design optimization, Implementation of control, Adjustment, Design of
association, object
representation, physical packaging, documenting design decision, comparison of use-case
driven approach.
Translation Object Oriented design into implementation,
Programming style, Documentation,
characterization of object oriented languages, Comparison of object oriented language
like C++,
JAVA, object programming.
Unified Modeling Language (UML): Class diagram sequence diagram
Use case diagram,
Collaboration, diagram, state, chart diagram, Activity diagram, component diagram,
diagram, Object oriented Database: Relational Vs .object oriented database, the
architecture of object
oriented database, query language for Object Oriented database.
Antenna , radiation pattern, antenna types, antenna gain,
propagation modes, types of fading. Model
for wireless digital communication, multiple access technique-SDMA, TDMA, FDMA, CDMA,
PRMA, MAC/CA, Cellular network organization, operations of cellular system, mobile radio
effects, , handoff, power control, sectorization, traffic engineering, Infinite sources,
lost calls cleared, grade
of service, poison arrival process.
GSM- Services, system architecture, radio interface, logical
channels, protocols, localization and
calling, handover, security, HSCSD, GPRS-architecture, Interfaces, Channels, mobility
management DECT,
IEEE 802.11: LAN-architecture, 802.11 a, b and g, protocol
architecture, physical layer, MAC
layer , MAC management, HIPERLAN-protocol architecture, physical layer, access control
sub layer, MAC
sub layer. Bluetooth-user scenarios- physical layer, MAC layer.
Mobile IP, DHCP, Ad hoc networks: Characteristics, performance
issue, routing in mobile host.
Wireless sensor network, Mobile transport layer: Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP,
Time out
freezing, Selective retransmission, transaction oriented TCP. Introduction to WAP.
Intruders, Intrusion detection, password management, viruses and
related threads, worms, trojan
horse defense, difference biometrics and authentication system, firewall design
Cybercrimes and Attacks:
Introduction, Classifications of Cybercrimes: E-Mail Spoofing, Spamming, Cyber
Industrial Spying/Industrial Espionage, Hacking, Software Piracy, Password Sniffing,
Credit Card
Frauds, Cyberstalking, Botnets, Phishing, Pharming, Man-in-the-Middle attack, Password
Cracking, Keyloggers and Spywares, Virus and Worms, Trojan Horses and Backdoors, DoS and
DDoS Attacks, SQL Injection, Buffer Overflow, Malware, Ransomware, Types of Identity
Techniques of ID Theft, Cyber terrorism, Browser Attacks, Reverse Engineering, Cross
Cyber Security Concepts:
Introduction to Cyber Security, Cyber Security Goals, Cyber Security policy, Domain of
Security Policy, Elements, Cyber Security Evolution, Implementing Hardware Based
Software Based Firewalls, Security Standards, Assessing Threat Levels, Forming an
Response Team, Reporting Cybercrime, Difference between cyber forensics and cyber
Cyber Forensics Fundamentals:
Introduction to cyber forensics, needs of cyber forensic, cyber forensic and digital
Internet Fraud, Storage Fundamentals, File System Concepts, challenges in cyber
forensic, Data
and Evidence Recovery- Deleted File Recovery, Data Recovery Tools, Data Recovery
and Ethics, Preserve and safely handle original media, Document a "Chain of Custody",
time line analysis of computer files based on file creation, file modification and file
Recover Internet Usage Data, Recover Swap Files/Temporary Files/Cache Files,
Introduction to
Encase Forensic Edition, Forensic Tool Kit (FTK) etc.
Cyber Forensics Investigation Introduction to Cyber Forensic
Investigation, Investigation
Tools, e-Discovery, Digital Evidence Collection, Evidence Preservation, E-Mail
Investigation, E-Mail
Tracking, IP Tracking, E-Mail Recovery, Encryption and Decryption methods, Search and
Seizure of
Computers, Recovering deleted evidences, Password Cracking.
Cyber Laws:
Introduction to IT laws & Cyber Crimes, Cyber Laws, IPR, Legal System of Information
Technology, Social Engineering.
Steam generators and boilers:
Steam generators: classification, conventional boilers, high-pressure boilers-Lamont, Benson, Loeffler and Velox
steam generators, performance and rating of boilers, equivalent evaporation, boiler efficiency, heat balance sheet,
combustion in boilers, super critical boilers, fuel and ash handling, boiler draught, overview of boiler codes.
Vapour Cycles:
Phase Change Cycles: Vapor Carnot cycle and its limitation, Rankin cycle, effect of boiler and Condenser
pressure and superheat on end moisture and efficiency of ranking cycle, modified Rankin cycle, reheat cycle,
perfect regenerative cycle, Ideal and actual regenerative cycle with single and multiple heaters, open and closed
type of feed water heaters, regenerative-reheat cycle, supercritical pressure and binary-vapor cycle, work done
and efficiency calculations.
Gas Dynamics:
Gas dynamics: speed of sound, in a fluid mach number, mach cone, stagnation properties, one dimensional
isentropic flow of ideal gases through variable area duct-mach number variation, area ratio as a function of mach
number, mass flow rate and critical pressure ratio, effect of friction, velocity coefficient, coefficient of discharge,
diffusers, normal shock.
Air Compressors:
Air compressors: working of reciprocating compressor, work input for single stage compression different,
compression processes, effect of clearance, volumetric efficiency real indicator diagram, isentropic & isothermal
and mechanical efficiency, multi stage compression, inter - cooling, condition for minimum work done,
classification and working of rotary compressors.
Nozzles and Condensers:
Steam nozzles: isentropic flow of vapors, flow of steam through nozzles, condition for maximum discharge,
effect of friction, super-saturated flow. Steam condensers, cooling towers: introduction, types of condensers, back
pressure and its effect on plant performance air leakage and its effect on performance of condensers, various types
of cooling towers.
Introduction to stress in machine component:
Stress concentration and fatigue: causes of stress concentration; stress concentration in tension, bending and
torsion; reduction of stress concentration, theoretical stress concentration factor, notch sensitivity, fatigue stress
concentration factor, cyclic loading, endurance limit, S-N Curve, loading factor, size factor, surface factor.
Design consideration for fatigue, Goodman and modified Goodman's diagram, Soderberg equation, Gerber
parabola, design for finite life, cumulative fatigue damage factor.
Design of shaft under combined bending, twisting and axial loading; shock and fatigue factors, design for rigidity;
Design of shaft subjected to dynamic load; Design of keys and shaft couplings.
Design of helical compression and tension springs, consideration of dimensional and functional constraints, leaf
springs and torsion springs; fatigue loading of springs, surge in spring; special springs, Power Screws: design of
power screw and power nut, differential and compound screw, design of simple screw jack.
Brakes & Clutches:
Materials for friction surface, uniform pressure and uniform wear theories, Design of friction clutches: Disk,
plate clutches, cone & centrifugal clutches. Design of brakes: Rope, band & block brake, Internal expending
brakes, Disk brakes.
Journal Bearing:
Types of lubrication, viscosity, hydrodynamic theory, design factors, temperature and viscosity considerations,
Reynold's equation, stable and unstable operation, heat dissipation and thermal equilibrium, boundary lubrication,
dimensionless numbers, Design of journal bearings, Rolling-element Bearings: Types of rolling contact bearing,
bearing friction and power loss, bearing life; Radial, thrust & axial loads; Static & dynamic load capacities;
Selection of ball and roller bearings; lubrication and sealing.
Energy transfer in turbo machines:
Application of first and second laws of thermodynamics to turbo machines, moment of momentum equation and
Euler turbine equation, principles of impulse and reaction machines, degree of reaction, energy equation for
relative velocities, one dimensional analysis only.
Steam turbines:
Impulse staging, velocity and pressure compounding, utilization factor, analysis for optimum U.F Curtis stage,
and Rateau stage, include qualitative analysis, effect of blade and nozzle losses on vane efficiency, stage
efficiency, analysis for optimum efficiency, mass flow and blade height. Reactions staging: Parson’s stages,
degree of reaction, nozzle efficiency, velocity coefficient, stator efficiency, carry over efficiency, stage
efficiency, vane efficiency, conditions for optimum efficiency, speed ratio, axial thrust, reheat factor in turbines,
problem of radial equilibrium, free and forced vortex types of flow, flow with constant reaction, governing and
performance characteristics of steam turbines.
Water turbines:
Classification, Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbines, vector diagrams and work-done, draft tubes, governing of
water turbines. Centrifugal Pumps: classification, advantage over reciprocating type, definition of mano-metric
head, gross head, static head, vector diagram and work done. Performance and characteristics: Application of
dimensional analysis and similarity to water turbines and centrifugal pumps, unit and specific quantities,
selection of machines, Hydraulic, volumetric, mechanical and overall efficiencies, Main and operating
characteristics of the machines, cavitations.
Rotary Fans, Blowers and Compressors:
Classification based on pressure rise, centrifugal and axial flow machines. Centrifugal Blowers Vane shape,
velocity triangle, degree of reactions, slip coefficient, size and speed of machine, vane shape and stresses,
efficiency, characteristics, fan laws and characteristics. Centrifugal Compressor – Vector diagrams, work done,
temp and pressure ratio, slip factor, work input factor, pressure coefficient, Dimensions of inlet eye, impeller and
diffuser. Axial flow Compressors- Vector diagrams, work done factor, temp and pressure ratio, degree of
reaction, Dimensional Analysis, Characteristics, surging, Polytrophic and isentropic efficiencies.
Power transmitting turbo machines:
Application and general theory, their torque ratio, speed ratio, slip and efficiency, velocity diagrams, fluid
coupling and Torque converter, characteristics, Positive displacement machines and turbo machines, their
distinction. Positive displacement pumps with fixed and variable displacements, Hydrostatic systems
hydraulic intensifier, accumulator, press and crane.
Solar Radiation:
Extra-terrestrial and terrestrial, radiation measuring instrument, radiation measurement and predictions. Solar
thermal conversion: Basics, Flat plate collectors-liquid and air type. Theory of flat plate collectors, selective
coating, advanced collectors, Concentrators: optical design of concentrators, solar water heater, solar dryers,
solar stills, solar cooling and refrigeration.
Solar photovoltaic: Principle of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy; Technology for fabrication of
photovoltaic devices; Applications of solar cells in PV generation systems; Organic PV cells.
Wind Energy:
Characteristics and measurement: Metrology of wind speed distribution, wind speed statistics, Weibull,
Rayleigh and Normal distribution, Measurement of wind data, Energy estimation of wind regimes; Wind
Energy Conversion: Wind energy conversion principles; General introduction; Types and classification of
WECS; Power, torque and speed characteristics; power curve of wind turbine, capacity factor, matching wind
turbine with wind regimes; Application of wind energy.
Production of biomass:
Photosynthesis-C3 & C4 plants on biomass production; Biomass resources assessment; Co2 fixation potential
of biomass; Classification of biomass; Physicochemical characteristics of biomass as fuel Biomass conversion
routes: biochemical, chemical and thermo chemical Biochemical conversion of biomass to energy: anaerobic
digestion, biogas production mechanism, technology, types of digesters, design of biogas plants, installation,
operation and maintenance of biogas plants, biogas plant manure-utilization and manure values. Biomass
Gasification: Different types, power generation from gasification, cost benefit analysis of power generation by
Small Hydropower Systems:
Overview of micro, mini and small hydro system; hydrology; Elements of turbine; Assessment of hydro
power; selection and design criteria of turbines; site selection and civil works; speed and voltage regulation;
Investment issue load management and tariff collection; Distribution and marketing issues. Ocean Energy:
Ocean energy resources, ocean energy routs; Principle of ocean thermal energy conversion system, ocean
thermal power plants. Principles of ocean wave energy and Tidal energy conversion.
Geothermal Energy:
Origin of geothermal resources, type of geothermal energy deposits, site selection geothermal power plants;
Hydrogen Energy: Hydrogen as a source of energy, Hydrogen production and storage. Fuel Cells: Types of
fuel cell, fuel cell system and sub-system, Principle of working, basic thermodynamics
Introduction : Periodical motion, harmonic
motion, the vector method of
representing vibrations, displacement, velocity and acceleration in harmonic
motion, work done in harmonic motion, superposition of simple harmonic motion,
beat phenomenon, non harmonic periodic motions. Harmonic analysis
System having single degree of freedom, free vibration of systems without
damping, Equilibrium and Energy Method for determining natural
frequency. Reyleigh’s Method, Equivalent Systems (systems with
compound springs, shafts of different diameter Equivalent length, effects of
mass of spring and shaft).
Free vibration of systems with Viscous, Coulomb and Structural damping.
Equations of motion – Discussion of its solutions.
Electrical Analogies : Electric circuit principles, equivalent
Forced vibrations of systems with and without damping (viscous and
Method of complex algebra, equivalent viscous damping, impressed force due to
unbalance, inadmissibility, support motion, Vibration isolation, commercial
System with two-degree of freedom : Normal mode vibrations,
systems, Coupled vibrations,
General solution in terms of normal mode, vehicle suspension, Undamped
dynamic vibration absorber,
Centrifugal absorber, friction damper.
Whirling of shafts : Whirling of light flexible shaft with an unbalance
disk at
the centre of its length with and without damping, discussion of the
speeds above and below the critical speed, uniform shaft with and without
unbalanced masses attached along its length (by Rayleigh Method) for
simply supported and fixed ends.
Multiple degree of freedom system, introduction, modelling of
continuous system
as multiple degree of freedom system, newton’s law to derive equation of motion,
influence coefficients, equation of motion of undamped system in matrix form,
Eigen value problems and solutions., Free vibration of undamped system, Forced
vibration of undamped system and viscous damped system.
Vibration Measurement : Principle of frequency,
amplitude, velocity and
acceleration measuring instruments, frequency response plots, phase shift plots,
analysis of vibration records.
Chassis & Body Engg: Types, Technical details
of commercial vehicles, types of chassis,
lay out, types of frames, testing of frames for bending & torsion on unutilized body
vehicle body and their construction, driver’s visibility and methods for improvement,
aspects of vehicles, vehicle aerodynamics, optimization of body shape, driver’s cab
body materials, location of engine, front wheel and rear wheel drive, four wheel drive.
Steering System: front axle beam, stub axle,
front wheel assembly, principles of types of
wheel alignment, front wheel geometry viz. camber, Kingpin inclination, castor, toe-in
and toeout, condition for true
rolling motion, centre point steering, directional stability of vehicles,
steering gear, power steering, slip angle, cornering power, over steer & under steer,
effect on steering gears.
Transmission System: Function and types of
clutches, single plate, multi-plate clutch,
roller & spring clutch, clutch lining and bonding, double declutching, types of gear
synchroniser, gear materials, determination of gear ratio for vehicles, gear box
performance at
different vehicle speed, automatic transmission, torque converters, fluid coupling,
principle of
hydrostatic drive, propeller shaft, constant velocity universal joints, differential
gear box, rear
axle construction.
Suspension system : Basic suspension movements,
Independent front & rear
suspension, shock absorber, type of springs: leaf spring, coil spring, air spring,
torsion bar,
location of shackles, power calculations, resistance to vehicle motion during
acceleration and
breaking, power & torque curve, torque & mechanical efficiency at different vehicle
weight transfer, braking systems, disc theory, mechanical, hydraulic & pneumatic power
systems, performance, self-energisation, airbleeding of hydraulic brakes, types of
wheels and
tyres, tyre specifications, construction and material properties of tyres & tubes.
Electrical and Control Systems: storage battery,
construction and operation of lead acid
battery, testing of battery, principle of operation of starting mechanism, different
drive systems,
starter relay switch, regulator electric fuel gauge, fuel pump, horn, wiper, Lighting
system, head
light dazzling, signaling devices, battery operated vehicles, choppers. importance of
maintenance, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, wheel alignment, trouble Shooting
probable causes & remedies of various systems, microprocessor based control system for
automobile, intelligent automobile control systems.
Emission standards and pollution control: Indian standards for
automotive vehiclesBharat I and II, Euro-I and Euro-II
norms, fuel quality standards, environmental management
systems for automotive vehicles, catalytic converters, fuel additives, and modern trends
automotive engine efficiency and emission control.
Linear system and distribution models: Mathematical formulation
of linear systems by
LP, solution of LP for two variables only, special cases of transportation and
assignment and its
solution, Vogel’s forward looking penalty method, cell evaluation degeneracy, use of SW
Tora, Excell.
Supply chain (SCM): Definition, importance,
expenditure and opportunities in SCM;
integration of inbound, outbound logistics and manufacturing to SCM, flow of material
and information, difficulties in SCM due to local v/s system wide (global) optimization
uncertainties in demand and transportation; Bull-whip effect; customer value; IT,
and strategic partnerships; plant and warehouse-network configuration; supply contracts
revenue sharing; outsourcing; transportation, cross docking and distribution,
forecasting models
in SCM; coordination and leadership issues; change of purchasing role and vendor rating,
variability from multiple suppliers.
Inventory models: Necessity of inventory in
process and safety stock, problem of
excess inventory and cycle time (=WIP/ Throughput), JIT/ lean mfg; basic EOQ/ EPQ models
constant review Q-system(S,s); periodic review, base stock P-system; service level, lead
variance and safety stock;; ABC, VED and other analysis based on shelf life, movement,
MRP technique and calculations, lot sizing in MRP, linking MRP with JIT; evolution of
MRP to
ERP to SCM and e-business.
(a) Waiting Line Models: Introduction, Input
process, service mechanism, Queue
discipline, single server (M/M/1) average length and times by Little’s formula, optimum
rate; basic multiple server models (M/M/s).
(b) Competitive strategy: concept and terminology, assumptions, pure
and mixed strategies,
zero sum games, saddle point, dominance, graphical, algebraic and LP methods for solving
game theory problems.
(a) Decision analysis: decision under certainty,
risk probability and uncertainty;
Hurwicz criteria; AHP- assigning weight and consistency test of AHP
(b) Meta-heuristics: Definition of heuristic and meta-heuristic
algorithms; introduction to Tabu
search, Simulated Annealing and Genetic algorithms and solution of traveling salesman
non linear optimization problems.
Classification, General Requirements and Design Recommendations
of Machine Tools.
Cutting forces in various machining processes and power requirements of various
Machine Tools such as Lathe Machine, Drilling Machine, Shaping Machine, Milling
Machine, Grinding Machine and Broaching Machine.
Kinematics of Machine Tool Drives, Classification, selection of
maximum and minimum
cutting speeds and feeds, series of spindle speed, standard series and value of common
ratio, determining common ratio and transmission ratio for drives powered by multispeed
electric motor, Semigraphical method for transmission ratio, structures deviating from
normal uniform structures, gear box layout and teeth calculations, step less
regulationsElectrical and Mechanical.
Design aspects of Machine Tool Elements, Framework, Guides,
Spindle Bearing and
Power Screws.
Lubrication and Rigidity in Machine Tools, Introduction, Steps in
selecting proper
lubrication oil, Frictional conditions of working, Specifications of lubrication oil,
Rigidity of
Machine Tool Units, Rigidity of recirculating ball Screw Assembly, overall static
rigidity of
machine tools, dynamic rigidity of machine tools
Stick slip vibration in machine tools, Vibration isolated tool
holders, Forced vibrations in
machine tools, Shock Absorber self excited vibrations or chatter.
Nuclear reactions and artificial radioactivity, introduction,
energy and world, nuclear heat
energy, nuclear fission and fusion and nuclear reactors, carbon dating, particle
accelerators, International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, ITER, Large hadron
collider, LHC, Radiation and materials, Biological effects of radiation, Nuclear
Radiation protection, Waste disposal.
Solar energy, Introduction, an overview of thermal applications,
Sun and geographic
availability, Solar radiation, Thermal energy storage and utilisation, Solar pond, Solar
heaters, Solar collectors, Solar systems design, Passive heating systems, Economic
Wind technology- Introduction, Nature of wind, Place and
direction, Energy in wind,wind
data, Multi blade propeller type wind mill units and power calculations,
Conversion effectiveness to electrical and Mechanical Energy, Connectivity with grid,
Wind machines classifications and applications, Turbines-Design and performance.
Biomass technology, Introduction, Direct and indirect methods of
bio mass resource
utilisation, Energy plantation, Biomass classification, Biomass general chemical
thermodynamics, Combustion.
Hydrogen energy-Introduction, Collection and safety, Comparison
with other power
sources and effectiveness, Reforming and collection of hydrogen from water and
hydrocarbons, Hydrogen fuel cells, Fuel cell efficiencies.
General - Problems associated with modern interconnected power Systems, deregulation,
power systems restructuring, distributed generation, congestion, available transfer capacities,
pricing of energy and transmission services.
D.C. Machine-II
Power flow studies - Formulation of static power flow equations and solutions using Gauss
Seidel, Newton Raphson and FDLF methods, comparison of these methods, Economic
operation of power system – Economic dispatch, Emission dispatch, line loss, ITL, economic
dispatch using lagrangian multiplier method.
MW Frequency control- Fundamental of Speed Governing, Modeling of Speed Control
Mechanism, Primary ALFC, Closing of ALFC, Static & Dynamic Response to Primary
ALFC, Speed Control Characteristics ,Fundamental of AGC,AGC in Isolated &
Interconnected Power Systems, Modeling of the Tie line, Static & Dynamic response of two
area system, Economic dispatch Control.
Reactive Power & Voltage control –Protection & Absorption of Reactive Power Method of
Voltage Control , Static VAR systems, Different types, Application ,characteristics,
characteristics of an excitation system, DC AC and static excitation system, General block
diagram representation of voltage regulators.
Power System Stability - Steady state, dynamic and transients stability, Swing equation ,
equal area criterion, solution of swing equation using step by step method modified Eulers
method and Rnge-Kutta method, methods of improving transient stability.
Microprocessor 8086 Introduction to 16-bit 8086 microprocessors, architecture of 8086,Pin
Configuration, mode, timing diagram, Memory interfacing, interrupts, Instruction set of 8086,
Addressing mode, Assembler directives & operations, assembly and machine language
programming, subroutine call and returns, Concept of stack, Stack structure of 8086, timings
and delays.
Input-Output interfacing: Memory Mapped I/O and Peripherals I/O. PPI 8255 Architecture
and modes of operation, Interfacing to 16-bit microprocessor and programming, DMA
controller (8257) Architecture, Programmable interval timer 8254, USART 8251.
Microcontroller 8051 Intel family of 8 bit microcontrollers, Architecture of 8051, Pin
description, I/O configuration, interrupts; Interrupt structure and interrupt priorities, Port
structure and operation, Accessing internal & external memories and different mode of
operations, Memory organization, Addressing mode, instruction set of 8051 and
8051 Interfacing, Applications and serial communication 8051 interfacing to ADC and DAC,
Stepper motor interfacing, Timer/ counter functions, 8051 based thyristor firing circuit, 8051
connections to RS-232, 8051 Serial communication , Serial communication modes, Serial
communication programming, Serial port programming in C.
Microcontroller 8096 Introduction to 16-bit Microcontroller, functional block-diagram,
memory status, complete 8096 instruction set, classification of instruction set, addressing
modes, programming examples using 8096, hardware features of 8096,parallel ports, control
&status Registers, Introduction to 16/32 bit PIC microcontrollers and DSPIC.
Illumination Engineering:
Nature of light, units, sensitivity of the eye, luminous efficiency, glare. Production of Light;
Incandescent lamps, arc lamps gas discharge lamps- fluorescent lampspolar curves, effect of
voltage variation on efficiency and life of lamps, Distribution and control of light, lighting
calculations, solid angle, inverse square and cosine laws, methods of calculations, factory
lighting, flood lighting and street lighting, Direct diffused and mixed reflection &
transmission factor, refractors, light fittings.
Heating, Welding And Electrolysis:
Electrical heating-advantages, methods and applications, resistance heating, design of heating
elements, efficiency and losses control. Induction heating: core type furnaces, core less
furnaces and high frequency eddy current heating, dielectric heating: principle and special
applications, arc furnaces: direct arc furnaces, Indirect arc furnaces, electrodes, design of
heating elements, power supply and control. Different methods of electrical welding,
resistance welding, arc welding, energy storage welding, laser welding, electron beam
welding, and electrical equipment for them. Arc furnaces transformer and welding
transformers. Review of electrolytic principles, laws of electrolysis, electroplating,
anodizing-electro-cleaning, extraction of refinery metals, power supply for electrolytic
process, current and energy efficiency.
Special features of Traction motors, selection of Traction Motor, Different system of electric
traction and their Advantages and disadvantages, Mechanics of train movement: simplified
speed time curves for different services, average and schedule speed, tractive effort, specific
energy consumption, factors affecting specific energy consumption, acceleration and braking
retardation, adhesive weight and coefficient of adhesion.
Electric Drives:
Individual and collective drives- electrical braking, plugging, rheostatic and regenerative
braking load equalization use of fly wheel criteria for selection of motors for various
industrial drives, calculation of electrical loads for refrigeration and air-conditioning,
intermittent loading and temperature rise curve.
Introduction to Electric and Hybrid Vehicles:
Configuration and performance of electrical vehicles, traction motor characteristics, tractive
effort, transmission requirement, vehicle performance and energy consumption.
Introduction to CRO, Different parts of CRO, Its Block diagram, Electrostatic focusing,
Electrostatic deflection, post deflection acceleration, Screen for CRTs, Graticule, Vertical &
Horizontal deflection system, Time base circuit, Oscilloscope probes and transducers,
Attenuators, Application of CROs, Lissajous patterns, Special purpose CROs- Multi input,
Dual trace, Dual beam, Sampling, Storage (Analog & Digital) Oscilloscopes.
A.C. Bridge Measurement:
Sources and detectors, Use of Bridges for measurement of inductance, Capacitance & Q
factor Maxwells bridge, Maxwells inductance capacitance bridge, Hays bridge, Andersons
bridge, Owen's Bridge, De-sauty's Bridge, Schering Bridge, High Voltage Schering bridge,
Measurement of relative permittivity, Heaviside cambell's bridge, Weins bridge, Universal
bridge, Sources of errors in Bridge circuit, Wagner's Earthing device, Q meter and its
applications and measurement methods.
Transducers definition and classification, mechanical devices as primary detectors,
Characteristic & choice of Transducers, Resistive inductive and capacitive transducers, strain
gauge and gauge factor, Thermistor, Thermo couples, LVDT, RVDT, Synchros, PiezoElectric transducers, Magnet elastic and
magneto strictive Hall effect transducers, Optoelectronic transducers such as photo voltaic, Photo conductive, photo
diode and photo
conductive cells, Photo transistors, Photo optic transducers. Introduction to analog& Digital
data acquisition systems-Instrumentation systems used, Interfacing transducers to electronic
control & measuring systems Multiplexing - D/A multiplexing A-D Multiplexing, Special
encoders. Digital control description.
Signal Generators:
Fixed & variable frequency AF oscillators, Sine wave generators, Standard signal generator,
AF Sine and Square wave generator Function generator, Square and pulse generator, Random
noise generator, Sweep generator, TV Sweep generator, Marker generator, Sweep- Marker
generator, Wobblyscope, Video pattern generator Vectroscope, Beat frequency oscillator.
Wave analyser: Basic wave analyzer, Frequency selective wave analyzer, Heterodyne wave
analyzer, Harmonic distortion, analyzer, spectrum analyzer digital Fourier analyzer.
Digital Instruments:
Advantages of Digital instruments over analog instruments, resolution and sensitivity of
Digital meters., Digital Voltmeter - Ramp type, Dual slope integration type, Integrating type,
Successive approximation type, Continuous balance DVM or Servo balancing potentiometer
type DVM. , compression of Electronic & Digital Volt meter, Digital Multimeter, Digital
frequency meter, Time period measurement, High frequency measurement, Electronic
counter, Digital tachometer, Digital PH meter, Digital phase meter, Digital capacitance meter.
Digital display system and indicators like CRT, LED, LCD, Nixies, Electro luminescent,
Incandescent, Electrophoretic image display, Liquid vapour display dot-matrix display,
Analog recorders, X-Y recorders. Instruments used in computer-controlled instrumentation
RS 232C and IEEE 488, GPIB electric interface.
Introduction to computer network, classification of networks (WAN,
MAN, LAN), distributed
systems, digital signals and data rates, bit stream, symbols and band rate, transmission
modems, structure of computer network, circuit, packet, message switching topological
back bone design OSI, reference model.
Physical and data link layer, bit communication between DTE and
DCE, RS232C, novel modem
Terminal handling, multiplexing and concentration data link layer service and design
errors detection and correction, retransmission strategies, sliding window protocols,
satellite and
packet radio networks, pure aloha protocols, slotted aloha protocol, satellite networks,
aloha protocol, DES, PCEM, packet radio networks.
Network layer, basic design issues, network layer services,
connection oriented and connection
less services, routing, static multipath, centralized isolated distributed hierarchical
broadcast, flow
based routing, congestion deadlocks radio concept of Ethernet LAN topology and
CSMA/CD protocol, token ring LAN token bus LAN, Fiber optic LAN principle of LAN
transparent bridge source routing bridges, gateway, gateway design issues x25 internet
ISDN, B-ISDN and ATM, evolution of ISDN, goal of ISDN services,
ISDN system architecture
and network terminating devices ISDN interface ISDN signaling, broad band ISDN,
Asynchronomous transfer modem ATM adaptation layer, transport layer, OSI transport
session layer designing issues, data exchange OSI session layer primitives, transport
Presentation layer, abstract syntax notation data compressed on
oxyptography, application layer
OST service elements ACSE and CCR, the transfer access and management, concurrence
nistual terminals, electronic mail directory services distributed systems, formal
protocol modules,
network management, mobile networking.
Networking Equipments and Monitoring Tools Routers, Modems,
Switches, Gateways, online
monitoring tools, Network security, Proxy Server design.
Control of D.C. motors by converters:
Introduction to Thyristor Controlled Drives, single phase
semi and fully controlled converters and three semi and fully controlled converters
connected to d.c.
separately excited and d.c. series motors-continuous current operation, Output voltage
and current
waveforms, Speed and Torque expression, Speed-Torque Characteristics, Problems on
converter fed
d.c. motors.
Four quadrant operation of D.C. Drives:
Introduction to Four quadrant operation, Motoring
operations, Electric braking, Plugging, dynamic and regenerative braking operations.
Four quadrant
operation of D.C. motor by Dual converters-Closed loop operation of DC motor (Block
diagram only)
Control of D.C. Motors by Choppers:-Single quadrant, Two-quadrant and four quadrant
chopper fed
d.c. separately excited and series excited motors, Continuous current operation, Output
voltage and
current waveforms-Speed torques expressions-Speed torque characteristics, Problems on
Chopper fed
d.c. motors, Closed loop operation (Block diagram only).
Control of Induction Motors on stator side:
Control of Induction Motor by AC Voltage
controllers- Waveforms, Speed torque characteristics, Variable frequency control of
induction motor
by Voltage Source, Current Source inverters and cycloconverters, PWM control Comparison
of VSI
& CSI operations, Speed- torque Characteristics, Numerical problems on induction motor
Closed loop operation of induction motor drives. (Block diagram only)
Control of Induction Motors from rotor side:
Static rotor resistance control, Slip power recovery
static Scherbius Drive, Static Kramer Drive, Their performance and speed torque
advantages- application-problems.
Control of Synchronous Motors: Separate control
& Self control of synchronous motors, Operation
of self controlled synchronous motors by VSI, CSI and Cycloconverters. Load commutated
CSI fed
Synchronous motor, Operation, Waveform, Speed torque Characteristics, Application,
Numerical problems, Closed loop operation os synchronous motors drives. (Block diagram
Models of power system components, network model using graph
theory, formation of Z bus,
transmission line models, regulating transformer, line loadability, capability curves of
Control of load bus voltage using reactive power control variable,
SVC & SVS, Regulated
shunt compensation, series and shunt compensation, Uniform series and shunt
compensation and effect on loadability of transmission lines.
Sensitivity analysis: General sensitivity
relations, generation shift distribution factors, line
outage distribution factors, compensated shift factors, sensitivity associated with
voltageVAR, sensitivities relating
load bus voltage changes in terms of PV bus voltage changes,
sensitivity relating changes in reactive power generation for changes in PV Bus Voltage.
Power system security: Security functions,
Security level, contingency analysis, security
control, economic dispatch using LP formulation, pre-contingency and post- contingency,
corrective rescheduling.
Voltage stability: Difference between voltage
and angle stability, PV Curve for voltage stability
assessment, proximity and mechanism, modal analysis using reduced Jacobian,
factor, effect of series and shunt compensation on voltage stability , effect of load
Renewable Energy Systems:
Energy Sources, Comparison of Conventional and non-conventional, renewable and
sources. Statistics of world resources and data on different sources globally and in
Indian context.
Significance of renewable sources and their exploitation. Energy planning, Energy
efficiency and
Wind Energy System:
Wind Energy, Wind Mills, Grid connected systems. System configuration, working
limitations. Effects of wind speed and grid conditions. Grid independent systems -
winddiesel, wind-hydro biomass etc. wind operated pumps, controller for energy
balance.Small Hydro
System Grid connected system, system configuration, working principles, limitations.
Effect of hydro
potential and grid condition. Synchronous versus Induction Generator for stand alone
systems. Use of
electronic load controllers and self excited induction generators.Wave Energy System:
configuration: grid connected and hybrid systems.
Solar Radiation:
Extraterrestrial solar radiation, terrestrial solar radiation, Solar thermal conversion.
Solar Photo tonic System:
Solar cell, Solar cell materials, efficiency, Characteristics of PV panels under varying
insulation. PV
operated lighting and water pumps, characteristics of motors and pumps connected to PV
Biomass Energy System: System configuration, Biomass engine driven
generators, feeding loads in
stand-alone or hybrid modes, Biomass energy and their characteristics.
Energy from oceans:
Ocean temperature difference, Principles of OTEC, plant operations.
Geothermal Energy:
Electric Energy from gaseous cells, Magneto-hydro generated energy, Non hazardous energy
nuclear wastes, Possibilities of other modern non-conventional energy sources.
Electric Energy Conservation:
Energy efficient motors and other equipment. Energy saving in Power Electronic
controlled drives.
Electricity saving in pumps, air-conditioning, power plants, process industries,
illumination etc.
Methods of Energy Audit:
Measurements systems; efficiency measurements. energy regulation, typical case studies,
measuring devices analog and digital, use of thyristers.
Power System Fundamentals:
Regulation and Deregulation, condition for deregulation, problems with regulation, risk
congestion management, ATC, screening curve.
Competitions in Power Market:
What is competition, efficiency of perfect competition, marginal cost in power market,
role of marginal cost,
working with marginal cost, results of marginal cost.
Market Power And Structure:
Define market power, price quality outcomes, three stages of market power, using price
quality outcomes to
show power, monopoly in power auction, market power on demand side.
Fundamental restructure system, transmission pricing, restructure models, OASIS,
structure of OASIS,
transfer capability of OASIS.
Designing And Testing Market Rules:
Design for competitive prices, testing of market design, designing to reduce market