Web Development

What is Web Development?
Web development is the building and maintenance of websites; it’s the work that happens behind the scenes to make a website look great, work fast and perform well with a seamless user experience.
Web developers, or ‘devs’, do this by using a variety of coding languages. The languages they use depends on the types of tasks they are preforming and the platforms on which they are working. Web development skills are in high demand worldwide and well paid too – making development a great career option. It is one of the easiest accessible higher paid fields as you do not need a traditional university degree to become qualified.
Frontend vs Backend Web Development
Front-end Web development:
A front-end dev takes care of layout, design and interactivity using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. They take an idea from the drawing board and turn it into reality.
What you see and what you use, such as the visual aspect of the website, the drop down menus and the text, are all brought together by the front-end dev, who writes a series of programmes to bind and structure the elements, make them look good and add interactivity. These programmes are run through a browser.
Back-end Web development:
The backend developer engineers what is going on behind the scenes. This is where the data is stored, and without this data, there would be no frontend. The backend of the web consists of the server that hosts the website, an application for running it and a database to contain the data.
The backend dev uses computer programmes to ensure that the server, the application and the database run smoothly together. This type of dev need to analyse what a company’s needs are and provide efficient programming solutions. To do all this amazing stuff they use a variety of server-side languages, like PHP, Ruby, Python and Java.
But in this tutorial series we will focus on Front-end Web development only.
How to be a Web Developer?
When starting out in front-end, you might not be sure where to start. There are so many options available not only programming language-wise, but regarding tools, frameworks, and technologies as well.
- Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and become good at it
In our further tutorial series we will have a deep discussions on these three languages because if you don't know these you won't get anything in web development.
- Build Things
Playing around with (small) UI elements is one thing. Creating an actual landing page or website is something different. At some point, you will eventually start using JavaScript snippets. Putting these two together, build to learn! There’s no better way to learn than to get your hands dirty. You’ve probably heard this a hundred times by now, but it is for a good reason why this is the advice most often
- Know Your Tools
While learning or being a Web developer one should have his/her toolkit i.e. text editor as every developer uses a software in which they write the code. Their are vrious types of text editors or softwares for web development
- Visual Studio Code(Microsoft)
- Sublime Text Editor
- Brackets
- Atom
- Notepad++
You must be creative because a frontend developer is all about presentation that how you build a website from outside as it is the part which is visble to the user and we all know that ,"First Impression is the last Impression".
How to install VS-Code
• VS-Code is one of the most widely used editor by developers. It was developed by Microsoft.
• In this below video we have covered how to install VS-Code first time in your system.
• There are various tip and tricks for VS-Code you can check them here Tips & Tricks.
Links for other Code editors
• There are other code editor which developers use for writing code like Sublime, Brackets, Atom this are some famous code editor after VS-Code.• Here are links to download setup of above mentioned Ide.
- Sublime: Download for Windows
- Brackets: Download for Windows
- Atom: Download for Windows
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